Reporter Klay Thompson sounds like natural on Glenn Robinson dunk call


Klay Thompson is a quick study.

In his debut as Warriors sideline reporter Wednesday night, it didn't take the injured shooting guard long to get the hang of his new duties. Late in the second quarter, Eric Paschall found Glenn Robinson III for a dunk, and Thompson took the call and ran with it:

Just as he deemed the play, Thompson's call was surprisingly smooth -- that is, until he got to the punchline. The inexperienced Thompson didn't have one prepared, so he had to ask play-by-play commentator Bob Fitzgerald for his go-to.

Commentating runs in the Thompson family, as Klay's father Mychal has long been part of the Lakers' radio broadcast. However, apparently there wasn't a transfer of knowledge.

"My dad didn't give me any tips, either," Klay said. "I was like, 'Yo, pops, man, I'm on the air tonight. Give me something.' He's like, 'Eh, you'll figure it out.'"

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He's one hell of a basketball player, but Klay isn't too shabby at this reporter thing, either.

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