Connecticut man catches record-sized bass


From Comcast SportsNetMonday, August 8, 2011

WESTBROOK, Conn. (AP) -- A Connecticut man says he hopes an 80-pound bass that he caught in Long Island Sound will qualify for a record.

Greg Myerson, of North Branford, reeled in the striped bass Thursday night near Westbrook, Conn. A Westbrook bait shop, Jack's Shoreline Bait & Tackle, said it weighs 81.88 lbs. and is 54 inches long.

Myerson said Monday he is taking steps to have the fish certified by the International Game Fish Association. The association said the process could take weeks.

The association's website says the current world record for striped bass was set by a 78-pound fish caught off of Atlantic City, N.J.

Myerson, a 43-year-old life-long fisherman, says he hooked the fish just after sunset using live eels as bait.

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