New treatment for Giants fan Stow after CT scan, MRI


August 3, 2011

Giants fan Bryan Stow, who was beaten outside Dodger Stadium on March 31, had a CT scan and an MRI on Tuesday, according to the family's website.

After a sleepy week with minimal response, the medical team has decided to alter the treatment plan.
"It was decided to stop the blood thinner for his blood clots and to put in an IVC filter. He has had this before to stop blood clots from shooting to his lungs. They stopped the blood thinner because he will also be getting another lumbar drain tonight or tomorrow. He just isnt absorbing the fluid completely on his own. The drain will work slower this time around, since before it drained too much, too fast. They decided to do this tonight because the past week he has been extremely sleepy and has had very minimal response to commands. The EEG is also back on him to monitor for any seizure activity."

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