What Laura Britt misses most about sports during coronavirus hiatus


Editor's note: Like you, NBC Sports Bay Area insiders, reporters and analysts are feeling the sports void during the coronavirus stoppage. They'll share their thoughts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in "What I Miss About Sports." Next up in the series: 49ers Pre and Postgame host Laura Britt.

I was asked what I miss most about sports, and that question made me stop and really think. I miss so many things, like the unity and comradery surrounding sporting events – the togetherness. But I really miss hugs!

I know that might sound weird, but when you look around at a sporting event, from the players to the fans and even me and my co-workers (after a good show), there are hugs all around! There’s something great about grown adults being so excited and overjoyed that they hug each other. Whether it’s sheer excitement or support after your favorite team’s loss, I love the simplicity of a hug. 
With the NFL draft right around the corner, there’s going to be a major lack of awkward hugs between commissioner Roger Goodell and the players being welcomed in the NFL. That definitely will be missing during a virtual draft.

With social distancing, we’ve all missed out on quality time with our friends and physical contact. Once this has passed and sports have resumed, I have a feeling people won’t take hugs for granted. 

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